Most popular WANKAT ( Window Shopper ) in the world...Poor Ilya,...Once u attended him,he will keep u occupied for the end,buying nothing from u and left just like that..Damn frustrating le this old man...hahaha...nvmla..i enjoyed laughing throughout the time..!! hahaha..
Wanna know why are these ppl bending so low just to see all the frames displayed? Haha..try to think...!!! Its not that the frames are too small for viewing. It's that their power Rx is high..!!
For example: If someone prescription reaches -8Dioptres and above,what do they see is something Greatly minificated..!! Trust me..It's freaky small..The customer below has power of -11Dioptres..Therefore,he has to move his head closer to reduce the minification. When an effectivity is decreased,plus power will be induced,thus leading for magnification of images..GOT IT??? Too optics for u guys?? hahaha....Blardy hate him..DAMN LANSI...No discount for him at all...result of messing with me!! muahaha...Ended up,buying nothing!! kakaka...XD
General knowledge>>
High Minus POwer,eyes will look like Elephant eyes..
High Plus Power,eyes will look like GOLD FISH...
Wanna know me,ask me then...XD
This guy is an Optometrist ( Ilyayusna )..almost go BALD..too much stress i guess..haha..Random cam whoring..kakaka..!! FIRM,Juicy,tender,half cook n raw?? hahaha...nonsense man!! bodoh me!! U guys know which part am i refering to rite?
Oh come civilized..!! hahahaha...
Sometimes i do wonder why this guy is homeless...Everytime when I think about the reason why? It went unanswered...Probably,he doesn't like to study n prefer to live a life where there's no burden,stress,pressure?? Sigh...Felt pity on him tim..Dont misunderstood me of taking this photo just for entertainment or something like for fun..Hell no...!! Just wanna reach to the youngster out there,< Study as if u will hav no chance in your life> !!.. Always strive for the best n don't ever give up hope when things arent going well.. Remember that God is always with us..!! He is..I always have faith in HIM that he will watch over me as long as i lived n believe in HIM that he will take care of everything for me! ( Not only me,but human being lives on earth ) Live as if we were to die happy even when troubles come,it's a part of obstacles we hav to go thru to strengthen our faith,trust, and perseverance in everything we hav to face..Recently, God's images kept on popping out in my mind..He kept on reminding me not to drifted away from HIM as temptations of evil ones can be irresistable...Thank HIM in everything we do..Be glad,be happy,be content as we are here because of HIM...
Just look at him,is this what u would wan ur life to be in future? I bet no rite?...Nobody really cares for him..Including me...He has totally give up hope in himself. Why do i say so?? He doesn't even beg more money...SEEE!!! Tats y...prefer sleeping with his hand in his AHEM !!..hahaha..WORK HARD HARD n just HARD..
Nothing is impossible...!!This photo memang lame la...Dont ask me where it is....U wouldn't wan to know...!! Tats really lame and pathetic..Just disgusting dude...!! haha..
Signing off
This is my random editting after i felt like being challenged by jyh min..haha..Nice huh? haha..U guys mite be noticing why isn't the words solid"?? Yeah,i applied some opacity options to greatly enhanced the interface,so that it doesn't look bad huh?? haha..
MUSIC + FREAK = GAY RYAN...yea...i'm loving it..Adobe Photoshop is my friend..He has made all editing possible for me!! I love u...* muaks..*
Personally, I love this very post a lot..!!! I give myself 9/10...haha.. ^^ I was blogging at Starbucks,Times Square for about 7 hours today...Siao..haha..times passed by so quickly that i didnt even noticed the time,as well as the day i was getting darker. When i felt that my neck was almost broken, I stared at my late dy,..Haha..^^
looks alright for dating rite?? haha..^^ Starbucks isn't that bad afterall..Trust me!! It isn't..xD
Signing Off
Sorry bro, I need something like that to spice up my contents..xD When i looked through all the photos,this particular photo struck me..!! *evil side of me : U are dead my friend*..haha. Hope u don't mind.. This guy is really a good partner in studying. Indeed,he has been a faithful friend to me since form one. Isn't it my dear bro? Some even said that we are twins arr?? Bastard Lau.. ( u know who i meant rite? ) haha..^^ xD.. This guy is smart in studying but he is just bit addicted to MO SIANG ( online game )..that's why he was slacking..xD..Luckily, i managed to drag him out of realm of darkness by asking him to come over my house to study together..^^ haha..that was the old times..Finally,we are graduated..everything paid off..*best damn thing dude*
Never knew that i can own such a high-end boutique here in Pavilion..Oh my oh my..!! xD Do drop by my boutique ok? Lots of nice clothes in there,I hav suits,t-shirt,leather shoes,pants and many more..*drooling huh?*..haha.. ^^ well,check this out..2nd floor belongs to high end boutiques which goods are worthed about Rm500++...Could reached up to Rm 20000. Yeah,20k..Insight Optical has a Pure Gold Finished Frame..believe it or not?? haha.. Gurls out there can look for Bobbi Brown and Keigh's there ( skin and cosmetic products ). Oh yah, almost forgotten..the reason why i put up this photo is because there's a walked in stranger asked me May i know where can i look for A l X ( Armani Exchanged )...Instead of pronouncing Armani Exchanged, he pronounced it in *aiks*...hahaha..For goodness sake,it's a stroke la..not I ( as in G,H,I,J,K )...I was like cracking my head trying to figure out what brand is that??...Luckily,he was smart enough to tell me that it's related to Giorgio and Emporio Armani..If not,I wouldn't have guessed it correctly...haha.. ^^ It's really lame indeed.. Biasalah,orang Melayu all very COCKY wan..Belagak KAYA,everytime sure WANKAT wan...*Tunjuk saya paling mahal punya*...When i hear that,i said *SEI LO*,wankat again...hahaha...Use physology to halau lo...Everything FIXED price..hahaha..Automatically walk off dy wan..haha. xD
Ted Baker Theme of the year..Spring Is In The Hare..Buy goods above 200bucks and win yourself a trip to Fly Emirates..*reminds me of Chelsea tim* ( Oiii...Manchester United, don't lose nor draw la...Win all the remaining matches ) haha..xD Chelsea stands no chance winning dy then...muahaha..What can i crap about Ted Baker?? Famous of EXPensive pricing..their price for suit is in POUND Sterling man..Will show some of the goods they are selling...Here they are:-
KASUT babi...sounds weird man...hahha.. nvmla..*Introduce it formally..It's PIG SKIN LEATHER HIGH HEEL SHOES la..* aiyo..haha..xD I'm not sure how much they are selling it but i'm sure that the price is more than Rm 350++...probably reaching Rm500++...Who knows? I bought a " Long Sleeve Shirt " for my convocation. Guess how much it cost me? haha...expensive man...Rm 250 after 50% discount..My Gosh...xD But why i like about Ted Baker is that their material is very good,details are fined finished and uniquely designed and exclusively from LONDON. Wouldn't scare of someone wearing the same patern and design of shirt when loitering or hanging around in PUBLIC..*dare not to imagine how would u feel* Running away? avoiding that moron? haha...Brands like Guess, Padini Auethentic and Polo are commonly wore in public. Very ANTI those brands..haha ^^ xD
Interior design of the shop is customized by UK,London designers..! Even the workers are from UK. Tak guna sebarang LOCAL builder pun...haha. Everything in Pound Sterling and their Fitting room is awesomely built with amazing concept of mirror reflection..Check it out urself to find out..It's cool..xD
Personally, I like this's,creating a sophisticated look,elegant,matches well with black hangbag, and the softness of color will greatly enhanced the feature of our body,as well as our look.. xD * just my opinion..* Too bad that i'm a guy..haha. Someone i wish to hav if i were a *PEREMPUAN*..hahaha.. xD ^^
Nice shot...isn't it? Sadly,i don't hav a Digital Camera..If not, I could hav done better..!! Haha..^^
I love the display of Ted Baker..simply tempting..when i entered the shop, Nick baker the Person In Charged will greet me, May i help you? Usually, I replied no $$$ at the moment..Just bought laptop worth Rm 5000 with a Targus backpack..Damn expensive lo.!!
Will show some shots on my lappie later on ok? haha..*tired* my neck hurts...!! *hav been blogging since 1pm*...*swt*
There you go...All of Ted Baker's Products i managed to snap..!! Although it's expensive but it's worth buying..Satisfaction Guaranteed. Wanna get any of those stuffs above or other goods,let me know, can get better discount.. hahahahaha...!!^^ xD
I wonder why all ZARA's statue looks sad? Not well-fed?? haha..Hawaian Shirts i guess??
Guess what's written there?? Maternity wear..!! What hot wan..hahaha..xD ^^.. Yeah,i guess this is the way of ZARA doing things..!! OOpss....!!
The End for the Boutiques in Pavilion Blogging...Took me whole afternoon!! ...*tired*
Signing Off
This brand is Insanely expensive but i would say that it's worth buying..Recommended Price is Rm 1459. Basically,it's a new generation frames which doesn't has screw installed. Even when u accidentally stepped and sleep on it, it doesn't break off and go out of shape...Worse scenario is the detachment of the temple which u can easily fix it bare handed. However,it's not ideal for those who is hypersensitive towards material like NICKEL because usually Stainless Steel contains Nickel and will cause Allergic,thus leading to itchyness..*how do i know about this?* Because customer got come back and complain sui la...cham...xD
Haha..funny rite? Expecting a human being to wear that on our face?? It's extremely small in size..I doubt that someone would wear that..xD Nole...i'm just joking..of course the real size is must bigger than that..This is just a display set of frame. * attracts customers* ^^ *winks*
we looked quite Professional with a little tiny thing on out pocket as displayed above..hahahahaha!!...*swt*
Now presenting our Most Hideous brand of EYEwear>>>*drums roll....* Taddaa...........Alain Mikli..*it's really ugly man* Maybe i memang dunno how to Value fact,most designers like it very much..!! Look at their poster model folks..>>
Cool huh? *Crooked mouth but nobody notices. Everyone's looking at your glasses* All of Alain Mikli's Frames are weird but some of it is really nice la..haha
Nice eh the Poster Model?...
Ini frame tidak pernah Kujual lo...haha..Totally unacceptable man!! Hell no...haha..Dunno how to sell these kind of frame in my life. Basically Alain Mikli is from France and it's very demanded in Hong Kong. Alain Mikli has cross-overed with Philip Starck and came out with another version of high tech mechanism frame. The temple can be twisted 360 degree..Gosh..but there are some cons too u know..Can't mention here la..Later kena sue le..haha ^^ xD
She hasn't stopped performing since she first burst onto the pop scene in the 60s, and has successfully wowed and won two different generations' worth of Singaporean, Malaysian as well as Indonesian fans.Anything but passe, Anita Sarawak continues to be every bit hip today as she was back then.
A Diva & icon (an absolute fav.among her gay crowd)and a living legend - in
She was the first local performer to break local boundaries, concocting her own unique brand of entertainment, cross-breeding almost every music genre- pop. rock 'n' roll. R & B, soul , disco - with funky dance moves, outlandish costumes and stunning showmanship.
Supremely confident on stage, she was famous for her hilarious routine which saw her flirting and teasing poor unsuspecting males in the audience...
Anita says:>
Oh,she is wearing a CARTIER diamond CUT lens..It's simply awesome huh??..
She ( Anita )bought an Infinity frame whereby Mahathir ( husband ) bought a Less Than Human Frame..The moment she walked into Our Shop ( Insight Optical ), everyone started to gather at the entrance just to peek..gosh...patutla,that day so many *wankat* (window shoppers).. xD Sienzz....
This shop is located at Pavilion 2nd be more specific>..Next to Bobbi Brown and Opposite of Zara and Ted Baker..*winks* xD
Glimypse at Escalator:-
I'm sure that u guys who watched anime such as BLEACH knows what that idiot pervert is..haha..Yeah,he is a weird creature who loves being huged by gurls especially with big boots and watching them bathing. Hence,always got beaten by our most lovely character,RUKIA. Basically,he can do nothing at SOUL SOCIETY,just look at his size and the guts he has. No courage at all...can't even win a battle with a DOG...hahaha^^
Shall stop crapping here..Guess what i have spotted? I saw KON wondering around in Pavilion during Dinner Hour..I was like,what the hell is this little creature doing here in Pavilion instead of staying is ANIME WORLD?? haha.. xD>>
Look at his stomach..haha..Perut BOROI..never exercise..Everyday Kap lui only..haha..Seriously, I saw this damn thing wandering around in Pavilion waving at everyone. Since when Pavilion management has something to do with these ICONS..haha..KON the pervert..haha..Nice sharing with you guys..I will put more effort in my blog..I'm hav undying passion to improvise..Show some support la k? Cheers.. xD ^^
Someone wants my photo to be taken as a memory..i dunno who she is but..she is kinda hot..haha..too bad..Time is too short for us..haha..nvm nvm..nothing much to crap about this photo..Why the heck everyone said that i'm skinny ah??I'm not ok?? I'm kinda fat leh..don't b deceived by my picture...haha ^^Before we went back, we managed to take a few shots...We hav Optical 88 and Insight Optical staffs there..hehe ^^ ..Wanna meet any of the leng chai and leng lui here,just drop by Pavilion..haha..I hav a massive headache actually, i was pretending having fun..I was dying to go back home..but too bad that my driver still wanna hav fun..Celeste,my manager and my driver..haha
Consist of Times Square,Leisure Mall,Pavilion Optical 88...And of course our Assistant Operation Controller in KL area...hehe ^^
All laughing like mad..we are asked to laugh like mad for this photo..Oh Gosh..See that guy? On the most right? Ilyayusna..Optometrist..Memang blurr la him...enough of garu ur kepala lo..Rambut sudah habis jatuh...haha ^^..yeah,he is a Malay...Ps: All these photos taken by Ben,he has a 3.2Mp camera and yet he chose to use VGA mode..He claimed that VGA mode is the best if were to compare with 3MP...i was laughing like mad man..
haha,..this is insanity..nvm nvm...what is done is done... All taken and above are all the photos..
Actually,there are lots of things happening on that beloved day,just that i'm lazy to snap photos to be uploaded and blog about it...there is fireworks ('s gorgeous )..haha. And games like LIMBO,and telling story based on noises we heard..!! Kinda lame and funny at the same time..hahaha..Unforgetable memory..!! It's has indeed engraved in my heart..
- Ryan-
And of course,you can see from the photo beside,I am officially graduated on 19th April 2008..yeah,u re not mistaken,GRADUATED.. Finally...The days i spent in Axismatics are horrible,from the first day i joined this Institute of Axismatics for FBDO course *Fellow Of British Dispensing Optician*..I have been regretting till now. I will not comment about anything right now but i will discuss about it with anonymous readers.. Pls judge it after reading all the comments i mentioned below..:- comes the endless list:...
1) No active activities like Co-curiculum or Organisations
2) Facilities sucks ( Ps: Their instruments are for display only. We can't even get near them..)
3) They claimed that they hav a Pc Lab..Well,from the day i stepped into Axismatics,I havent see any lab..*pathetic*
4) Oh,most importantly, they library is so freaky condemned man. Their old Pc is Intel Celeron,if i'm not mistaken it's with unknown monitor and the performance will seriously boils ur blood..Trust me! It works as if it's written there, *TRY ME*. Example: Double click on internet explorer, it will took u about 30 seconds to load and that's fine..After that, u typed in the adrress you desire to visit.. like, guess what? Internet Server down...Their server is down all the time although they hav a new modem...*Crazy*.. Persistent complaint has finally changed their mind to upgrade to new pc..I dunno where do they get all the new CPUs and LCD screens,but certainly i'm pretty sure that it's not new..2 to 3 days of using it,they need to format CPU because lots of softwares aren't working and becomes incredibly laggy. In other words,the performance is still sucks...hahaha^^ *enough dy* ^^
Picture Contributed by Cheong Wee Kee..^^ Gimme 5..hahaha...
5) Most famous lecturer,DR LAU,famous of spilling his saliva everywhere when he speaks *Poor students who sit at the from row*...*laugh*..haha.. He is a great teacher but sadly,he has becomes lazy,he is expecting too much from us when he teaches. Here's a situation:
Ryan: Sir,may i know what's the formula for this question and does it involves Interference and wavelength of light?
Dr Lau: When i teach you never listen meh? *Ps: Corrupted language he used*.. U dunno how to do meh? So easy wan oh this question..
Ryan: Sir,tips pls..i have no's really tough..
Dr Lau: Come on this also dunno how to do arr...? Bang ur head on the wall dy lo...*yet he hasn't reveal the answer and tips*
Ryan: Frankly,if i know everything u have thought me just now in just a flash, I wouldn't sit here for u to teach me la,and thers's no need i need a lecturer like u.
Dr Lau: Went Silent!!!....
Ryan: *Frustrated* the end,he revelead the answer...*lamer la him* gosh.....
6) Im quite satisfy with Ms Yow,Mr Poo...they are great teacher..No doubt that i respect them very much of their excellency in guiding us...!! *claps*...
7) Yeah,Materialistic......u know what i mean rite? For those who study Here knows what i meant...haha...DRACULA ( SUCKS money out of you)...or maybe loan shark..hahaha...^^
8) Our certificate is only applicable in Malaysia only...Go singapore,sure mati kiao kiao la...we are like ants there for sure...only as an Sales Assistant...konon,Diploma or degree..balik la..Cuma professional Cert saja la...*swt*,...They should be coming out with new name API the deceiver..
9) Poor new intakes students....Poor them...KAMBING KORBAN...
Anyway,i have already spent 2 years in Axismatics and completed this course and now i'm alr an OPTICIAN and currently working at Insight Optical at Pavilion 2nd floor..Most luxurious optical store i ever worked with..hav to work coat..So formal..tak biasalah...haha.. nvmla...wish me luck la. My graduation is just alrite despite nobody actually attended my convocation..all FFK me..Fine then!! Alr get used to it alr actually..doing everything on my very own since i come KL on my own and get myself fed and survived till now...It's not easy u know? Haha..but i managed to put myself through this obstaces...damn...Decisions,decisions,decisions.....Everyday is a tough day for me...My new Blog,..hope u guys will love it..^^ muaks..