Most popular WANKAT ( Window Shopper ) in the world...Poor Ilya,...Once u attended him,he will keep u occupied for the end,buying nothing from u and left just like that..Damn frustrating le this old man...hahaha...nvmla..i enjoyed laughing throughout the time..!! hahaha..
Wanna know why are these ppl bending so low just to see all the frames displayed? Haha..try to think...!!! Its not that the frames are too small for viewing. It's that their power Rx is high..!!
For example: If someone prescription reaches -8Dioptres and above,what do they see is something Greatly minificated..!! Trust me..It's freaky small..The customer below has power of -11Dioptres..Therefore,he has to move his head closer to reduce the minification. When an effectivity is decreased,plus power will be induced,thus leading for magnification of images..GOT IT??? Too optics for u guys?? hahaha....Blardy hate him..DAMN LANSI...No discount for him at all...result of messing with me!! muahaha...Ended up,buying nothing!! kakaka...XD
General knowledge>>
High Minus POwer,eyes will look like Elephant eyes..
High Plus Power,eyes will look like GOLD FISH...
Wanna know me,ask me then...XD
This guy is an Optometrist ( Ilyayusna )..almost go BALD..too much stress i guess..haha..Random cam whoring..kakaka..!! FIRM,Juicy,tender,half cook n raw?? hahaha...nonsense man!! bodoh me!! U guys know which part am i refering to rite?
Oh come civilized..!! hahahaha...
Welcome To
Blog isn't something new or stranger for me..I have started blogging since I was form one. Everytime gave up hope..haha ^^ Either too busy or not time to blog. Certainly, i hope that i will have more time now since i hav my new XPS m1530 with awesome SPECIFICATION...Show some support ok? haha..thanx in advance my dear viewers..!! xD
About Me
- RyAn
- I'm Online freak,Blog Freak,Music Freak,Crapper,..Basically I’m a freak in everything xD
Blog Archive
- A post with definition!!
- Something Unpleasant n sad..Check this out..!!
- Windows login screen
- Blogging At Starbucks ( Times Square )
- Random Post
- Cara Zaman Kuno *Urinated* ( Kencing )
- Ryan's Boutique in Pavilion xD..Check It Out..
- Ic ! Berlin @ Alain Mikli Invading Malaysia xD
- Anita Sarawak @ Mahathir Arrival.. xD
- Bleach Anime..Pervert KON..!! haha..^^
- Optical 88 and City Chain Anual Dinner
- Graduation??