Sometimes i do wonder why this guy is homeless...Everytime when I think about the reason why? It went unanswered...Probably,he doesn't like to study n prefer to live a life where there's no burden,stress,pressure?? Sigh...Felt pity on him tim..Dont misunderstood me of taking this photo just for entertainment or something like for fun..Hell no...!! Just wanna reach to the youngster out there,< Study as if u will hav no chance in your life> !!.. Always strive for the best n don't ever give up hope when things arent going well.. Remember that God is always with us..!! He is..I always have faith in HIM that he will watch over me as long as i lived n believe in HIM that he will take care of everything for me! ( Not only me,but human being lives on earth ) Live as if we were to die happy even when troubles come,it's a part of obstacles we hav to go thru to strengthen our faith,trust, and perseverance in everything we hav to face..Recently, God's images kept on popping out in my mind..He kept on reminding me not to drifted away from HIM as temptations of evil ones can be irresistable...Thank HIM in everything we do..Be glad,be happy,be content as we are here because of HIM...
Just look at him,is this what u would wan ur life to be in future? I bet no rite?...Nobody really cares for him..Including me...He has totally give up hope in himself. Why do i say so?? He doesn't even beg more money...SEEE!!! Tats y...prefer sleeping with his hand in his AHEM !!..hahaha..WORK HARD HARD n just HARD..
Nothing is impossible...!!
This photo memang lame la...Dont ask me where it is....U wouldn't wan to know...!! Tats really lame and pathetic..Just disgusting dude...!! haha..
Signing off
Welcome To
Blog isn't something new or stranger for me..I have started blogging since I was form one. Everytime gave up hope..haha ^^ Either too busy or not time to blog. Certainly, i hope that i will have more time now since i hav my new XPS m1530 with awesome SPECIFICATION...Show some support ok? haha..thanx in advance my dear viewers..!! xD
About Me
- RyAn
- I'm Online freak,Blog Freak,Music Freak,Crapper,..Basically I’m a freak in everything xD
Blog Archive
- A post with definition!!
- Something Unpleasant n sad..Check this out..!!
- Windows login screen
- Blogging At Starbucks ( Times Square )
- Random Post
- Cara Zaman Kuno *Urinated* ( Kencing )
- Ryan's Boutique in Pavilion xD..Check It Out..
- Ic ! Berlin @ Alain Mikli Invading Malaysia xD
- Anita Sarawak @ Mahathir Arrival.. xD
- Bleach Anime..Pervert KON..!! haha..^^
- Optical 88 and City Chain Anual Dinner
- Graduation??